Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 3 - 47miles

As awesome as it was yesterday riding with a jovial crew of misfits, today was a complete turn of fortunes. I woke up to a dreary cold, damp morning. The whole time I was getting ready, I was trying to figure out how bad it would actually be if I took a zero today and just made it up the rest of the week. After at least 3 espressos and bribery that included promises of nutella bagels, I finally ventured out solo into the dank, dark day to bust out as much as I could. Truthfully, the miles are starting to stack up in my legs. I could feel the heaviness whenever the road kicked up ever so slightly. My main goals today were (in no particular order): don't get hit by a car, stay off the painted road lines, and get home at 10:15 so we could be on time for family yuletide festivities. I discovered if the day is really crappy in the future yet I have to ride, ride an out and back heading into the wind at the start. Once you hit the halfway turnaround, all the misery of the wet, cold and wind is completely erased. Essentially the ride is over when you get to cruise home with the wind. Even though the weather didn't exactly cooperate, Christmas morning is an awesome time to ride. The roads were empty, and I had time to just daydream and get lost in my thoughts. Not too lost, as we are far from over with these shennanigans. Here are a few pics I snapped between showers this morning:

Today's ride - 47 miles (76km)
Total so far - 211 miles (341km)

Cold AND wet? No problem. Thermal socks, and 2 waterproof booties. Gotta keep the tootsies warm 

Uh, yeah. This was an attempt to catch some beauty even if the weather was dreary

Roads looked like this most of the day 

Wal-Mart closed?! It was eery to see the empty parking lot. Sam Walton must be turning over in his grave 

Spraying these booties with the waterproofing tent spray was a stroke of genius! As long as my feet and hands are happy, it's pretty easy to keep on keepin' on

This was my attempt to be artsy. It did hurt my heart to see the Italian stallion filthy, but she held up like a champ 

No ride is complete until you see the big ass brass indian statue. (Look closely) 

No  smiles today. Just glad to be donesky.

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