Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 5

Well today was going to be the queen stage of this ridiculous challenge. Last year for my birthday, I rode 100 miles with Sean. This year, in pure American tradition of bigger and better I figured we should aim for 200km this birthday. A nefarious cast of characters showed up: WJones, Schnur, Sam, Adam, Burton, Marcus and a cameo of EBernard. What started out a freezing ride turned out pretty sweet;  except of course for the two back to back flats. The silver lining is that I learned mini pumps do actually work if you run out of C02 cartridges and need more air. Anyway, all day Sam and Schnur were in beast mode and did the Lion's share of the work. Sam's story was super impressive as he managed to get on ESPN, see Breesus break the NFL passing record, briefly nap, and make it to Laffy town to bust out our ride. All in a span of less than 24 hours. Mucho impressive. For the ride, I FINALLY got to ride into Washington. I've always wanted to detour on the long rides, and today was the day. A city founded in 1720 is always gonna strike up my interest. As for me, I am shelled. Tomorrow is back on the chain gang, but I may be a bit slower after the queen stage.

Today's ride - 117.5 miles (189km)
Total so far - 381 miles (614km)

Pretty maids, all in a row 

The engines of today's pain train 

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